Advocacy Call: Send a Letter of Support for a Masters in DMT to Concordia University (Montreal, QC)

Your voice matters! Let Concordia know the Masters program in development is critical to our community by sending a letter of support such as in the example below.
Signed with name and contact info
Sent to all by email and by mail if possible. Can be cc'd to all contacts listed below.
Date :
To : Annie Gerin, Dean of Fine Arts, Concordia University
From :
Subject : Dance Movement Therapy opportunities at Concordia University
I am a graduate student/ health professional/ professional etc. with a strong and long-time interest in an education and training in Dance Movement Therapy. Discussions about a potential program at Concordia University have been ongoing for many years. I am writing to express my interest in a program and the frustration of years of discussion with no concrete information for potential students (or professionals).
Can add : I attended the October 2022 international conference held in Montreal and am now part of meetings of Canadians across the country (and DMTAC members from across the world). In October of 2022 the room was full; there was enthusiasm and commitment to the field. There were also the many questions regarding developments at Concordia that have been referenced for years.
Please send information on the progress of the development of a Master’s program in Dance Movement Therapy as one of the modalities central to the Creative Arts Therapies. I am also interested in the opportunity to take related courses in the Department of Creative Arts Therapies (CATS) separate from or in complement to alternate route training.
Thank you for your time and attention. I look forward to information and to sharing ideas.
Signed with name and contact info
Sent to all by e mail and by mail if possible. With e mail there is a tangible record on line and in the box of the sender. Can be cc'd to all in the information above.
Cynthia Bruce, PhD, MTA (She/Her/Hers)
@blindacademic on Twitter
Associate Professor, Music Therapy
Chair, Department of Creative Arts Therapies
Faculty of Fine Arts | Concordia University
Guylaine Vaillancourt, PhD
Concordia University/Université Concordia, Montréal. CANADA
Associate Professor in Music Therapy/Professeure agrégée en musicothérapie
1455 Blv. De Maisonneuve O. ER 121, Montréal, QC. H3G 1M8
514-848-2424 x 5670
Annie Gerin PhD
Dean of Fine Arts
Concordia University
1455 De Maisonneuve Bldg
Montreal, QC H3G 1M8
Annie Gerin PhD
Dean of Fine Arts
Faculty of Fine ArtsConcordia UniversityEV 2.705 – 1515 St. Catherine St. W.Montreal, QuebecCanadaH3G 1M8
Elaine Cheasley Paterson
Associate Dean, Academic Affairs
Annie Gerin PhD
Dean of Fine Arts
Concordia University
1455 De Maisonneuve Blvd
Montréal, QC H3G 1M8