Accreditation Town Hall Recordings

Last month, the ACC offered two town halls to share an update on the work of the committee. Over the two evenings, 40 people tuned in to hear committee co-chairs Rebecca and Sandra go over the documents that you can access here.
Discussion was lively and supportive, here are some good points that were made:
Participants thanked the Committee for all their hard work, and noted how the developed content is tailored to our unique and wonderful profession in Canada;.
Participants commented on the vision and scope of our Canadian DMT practice;
DMTAC was encouraged to develop DMT internships in Canada; which could be a role for the Education Committee;
DMTAC committed to sharing more timely, regular and transparent communication of ACC content to our community, particularly considering the sustained interest in the ACC process.
Thank you all for your feedback and participation, and thanks to current and past Committee members for your untiring efforts over many years to bring this important work forward. We’re in the final stretch of crafting and implementing the certification process for our amazing community!
Here is the link to the videos of two meetings.
Nov 27:
Passcode: 9s&RXRy@
Nov 29:
Passcode: ^h+YztC3