About DMT

Dance movement therapy is one of the creative arts therapies. This innovative approach to psychotherapy aligns with current research into the brain and behaviour, and the importance of movement for human development and mental health.
Dance movement therapy recognizes the creative potential of individuals, and values both verbal and non-verbal aspects of expression. The provision of a safe and contained environment offers clients an opportunity to test the impact of self on others. Dance and movement play engages people in a process where relational skills and inner resources can be developed. Increasing an understanding of movement behaviour enables new insights into the connection between inner and outer realities. Accessing creativity through movement allows for new experiences of the self and the rehearsal of adaptive coping behaviours.

Who can benefit?
Dance movement therapy is an effective treatment for people with developmental, medical, cognitive, physical, social and psychological impairments.
Dance movement therapy is practiced in mental health, rehabilitation, medical, educational, community, social service and private practice settings.
Dance movement therapy can be adapted to the needs of people of all ages and backgrounds and practiced in individual, couple, family, and group therapy formats.

Where do DMT's work?
Dance movement therapists work with a wide variety of populations in many different settings. Some examples are:
Detention and correctional facilities
Mental health institutions
Nursing homes
Physical rehabilitation centres
Community centres
Private practice